1. What is the best age for using Write Right?

The Write Right packages are suitable for children aged 4 to 9 years.

2. what skills does Write Right boost in children?

Write Right enhances children's reading and writing skills.

3. Is Write Right only offered in physical form?

No, the Write Right application is currently undergoing development to be crafted in an engaging format specifically tailored for children. The anticipated completion for the application is by the end of January.

4. What makes Write Right different from other learning tools?

Write Right has been structured according to a novel segmentation of the English alphabet, a pioneering system introduced for the first time globally by Write Right. Beyond serving as a learning aid, Write Right embodies a comprehensive learning methodology.

5. How many packages is Write Right consisted of?

The Write Right application is currently undergoing development to provide an appealing format for children and is expected to be completed by the end of January.

6. Does Write Right only teach alphabets?

No. The initial package is primarily focused on alphabet training, while subsequent packages concentrate on building words, expanding vocabulary, and forming sentences. .

7. Can English learners use Write Right by themselves?

Yes. Young learners have the capability to independently utilize the educational packages.